Data Recovery FAQ | Hard Drive Repair | Melbourne



Q: Why are you cheaper than most other data recovery firms in Australia?

A: Having been in the data recovery industry for ten years, we believe that the costs we are charging are appropriate to the amount of time and effort expended on each job.

Also, as the majority of our clients are data recovery companies, we charge less than them simply because when they send a job to us, they must cahrge their bit on top of what we charge them.

We also do not advertise heavily, thus our overheads are not extensive, and we can keep costs to a minumum for you. We rely on word of mouth rather than blanket media coverage.


Q: Do you sell hard drives on request? If not, why not?

A: No. We retain all drives here at Re-Source Hardware. If we were to sell one obsolete drive to a client, it would not be available for the next client.

Q: Do hard drives of the same make and model always have the same PCB?

A: No. Some drives need particular descriptors such as firmware or part numbers as well to correctly source a PCB. For example,you may spend days or weeks looking for a Seagate ST38410A and when you have paid for it and it finally arrrives, you find that it is not the right firmware revision, and so the PCB will not work, or worse still, gives you a false negative. This mistake could cost you and your client thousands of dollars if you were to go to trouble of repairing it internally.

Q: Will I get a response right away?

A: Not necessarily. Some searches may take a few minutes while others may take a week or so. The length of time for a search depends on the obscurity of the drive and its availability.